This is part of the Rajin (Raw-yin) warehouse, a level that I have been working on with my friend Carrie. It is VERY close to being a playable level. Just need to convert the lighting you see here into the game engine.
After deciding I wanted to do a simple rig for my Mict Model.. I made a complicated one that took me several days to figure out.... >.<
BUT now he is rigged and ready to animate. I am eager to give him a fire based headdress, but with only 5 days left to have my demo reel and flat book made.. yeah we will see
Okies adding shading and rigging the Mict model. I am hoping to have him done soon.. As well as the clay sculpture that I used as a reference. (Still need to paint sculpture, my paint is rebelling against me BUT it should be ready to go tomorrow morning.)
SO here is an in progress small level I am creating for my portfolio. It is a stylistic "dark Fairytale" kind of level. I am hoping to have it done by tomorrow.. hahah.
Yesterday while digging in the deepest and most frightening bowels of my harddrive, I found an old flash game that I made (about a year ago) And thanks to Carrie's help I was able to fix several bugs and post it on my website! find it at
At long last I have remade my website... I am still learning the template manipulator... thing. I will admit I am not a website designer ^.^ BUT HERE IT IS!
After much head banging I decided on what I wanted the back of my business card to be. Originally I was told that the picture would be weird and to include my logo..... After 3 weeks of changing the design I finally gave up and went with my original idea. My business cards went to print today so no turning back now =)
So here is another piece I intend to place in my portfolio. It is an Ornithocopter. In Second Life, my friend Aminom created the 3D structure and asked different texture artists to come up with different textured themes. SO I came up with this steam-punk ish texture.
I still am amazed with how Aminom is able to make such complex 3D models for Second life.
So here is a matte painting I have been working on. It is called steam valley. I feel like I need to fix those clouds.. But with 9 other projects being balanced it will have to do till I get back to it.